That Darn Tree !

That Darn Tree !

And Other Things Your Mother Didn’t Tell You About the Problem of Evil, Suffering & Hope

Sometimes we just need answers. And the biggest one glaring everyone in the face is this: Why did God put a tree in the Garden, anyway? If he hadn't, we never would have had the Fall into Sin, this world wouldn't have suffering and pain, and we'd be already living in paradise! What's the big idea?

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About the Book

Definitely the hardest part of being an adult is showing siblings and children how to face a world filled with suffering. From their first cry, our hearts twist in concern for them. They fall down and skin their knee, their little teary eyes look up to us with that heartbroken frown about the injustice in this world. Gravity is so unfair. Before toddlers start moving around the room we put away breakable things, we cover the sharp corners of tables and block doors and cupboards from opening pain to them.

These little knocks of life are Suffering 101, and it is our job to prepare them for the more advanced classes….

This book is about understanding the big question of WHY. Why does a loving, all-powerful God let people suffer?

Before an airplane takes off, flight attendants show you the emergency exits and walk through what to do in an emergency. Then they say, “In the event of loss of cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you….Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally.”

This book on suffering is like that moment when you grab the oxygen mask and try to breathe normally. Perspective and courage is what it takes to survive a suffering world.

Then they say, “If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.” Only when you understand it for yourself can you begin to help your child and others understand the plan of God for humanity being in a broken, suffering world. My hope is that this book will bolster you in this journey.

BONUS: The appendix includes in-depth practical activities to do with the children in your life to together investigate God’s role in this suffering world and know how to survive in a broken world.

Genre: Apologetics
About the Author
Darlene N. Bocek

Darlene Bocek and her family live in Izmir, Turkey. She and her family are Marvel MCU, early Star Wars, and Twilight Zone fans and her favorite MCU character is Rocket Raccoon. Besides being a pastor’s wife, she is mom to four wonderful young adults, each one her most favorite.

The family lives on an olive farm overlooking the Aegean Sea. To date, they have nine  sixteen twenty-four cats, three giant dogs, two cute Havanese doggos and one African Grey parrot. (Check HERE for pictures!) Most pets are named for movie characters.

Making the Bible accessible, the main message of her stories, is dear to their family's heart.  If she had free time, Darlene would enjoy cooking, gardening, painting, sewing, and training her wild animals.

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